Monday, November 4, 2013

North Carolina Trip! October 2013

John Thomas and I ventured to NC to see my family a couple of weeks ago.  I had to go for furniture market, and my parents were more than thrilled to keep him while I was away!  

When booking the trip, I wasn't thinking about being almost 8 months pregnant with an infant lap child, in ONE seat, so naturally I was very nervous about how the flight would go!  I never know what time of day will work best, so planned it around Koen's flag football game so he and Kris could take us to the airport.  It ended up being right around nap time which I knew would be a nightmare or a blessing!  Thankfully, it ended up being a blessing!  Nap time, combined with being on a new plane with our own TV and a very nice older couple in the row with us made for a great flight! 

Prior to the flight, John Thomas was a complete ham and insisted on wearing my sunglasses at the gate.  He, of course, got a lot of attention and loved every minute of it! 
 Trying out the new touch screen TV on our flight.
 Out!  He slept like this for the majority of the flight, he was awake maybe 30 minutes the entire time.  I was even able to take a little nap! 
During the day, my Uncle Randy kept him and they had lots of fun playing cars, watching cartoons, taking trips and playing outside.  I am pretty sure he didn't miss us very much at all!

Unfortunately, I didn't take my good camera (one less thing to keep up with!) so all I have are bad phone pictures, but I still wanted to document some things he did that week! 

Went to visit Mimi and Pa a few times, and ate a ton!  He had pickles, blueberries, goldfish, cereal and turned down Mimi's homemade fried apple and peach pies, he said, "I don't ike it!"
 Went to visit the goats, this kid loves animals!  He also helped feed the "muunns" (cows) everyday with Papa.
Got lots of "Neenna's" good cooking! 
He loved running the Swiffer vacuum!  He would say, "I keen!" he must be my son!
One of the highlights of my trip away was this picture my sister sent me below.  Apparently after I left, they went to visit Mimi and Pa and forgot the diaper bag.   Once the got there, John Thomas decided it would be a good time to poop with no diapers! My grandfather just returned home from rehab due to a broken hip and had leftover adult diapers, so they used one of those, cut the sides and tied them to fit.  Poor kid is going to hate this someday!
 Outside of the forgotten diaper bag fiasco, I think everything went well during his camp Papa and Nana stay!  Here are a couple of videos Allie took of him while we were gone! 

They got him this dancing dog toy and he absolutely loves it!  He carries it around, bosses it, hugs and kisses on it and shows it to everyone!  The second video is at our local high school football game where he made a new, older girlfriend!

I am thankful for the short, but invaluable time we get to spend with our family in NC!  It is priceless, perfect time, and I am grateful they cherish it as much as we do!  A little spoiling doesn't hurt from time to time!

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