Monday, November 18, 2013

Cosmic Jump!

A few months ago we took a Saturday trip to Allen to do some outlet shopping and I thought it would be a good time to take Koen to Cosmic Jump.  He had been asking to go for months since he went on a trip with school.  Bonus that there was a Groupon for a two hour session!  Unfortunately, that day he wasn't feeling well so we decided it would be best to come back when he felt better.  A couple of weekends ago, we went back to the outlets to do some early Christmas shopping and told Koen we would go to Cosmic Jump after.  I think he probably asked 100 times when we were going! 

The Groupon was for either one, two hour pass, or two, one hour passes.  We decided that two hours was a long time to jump so we would let John Thomas use the other pass, not knowing if there would really be anything he could do or if he would even like it.  To say the least, I think he had the best time of any kid there!!

They had two separate areas, one for kiddos eight years old and up, and one for seven and under - BIG age difference from 21 months to seven years, but our little man held his own with the big kids!

He climbed up this big inflatable slide by himself and would get to the top to make sure we were watching and then slide down and laugh and say, "Funnnnn!"

 It took him a little while to get the hang of the trampolines but once he found his balance he would laugh, jump and fall.
 He asked where Bubba was a lot, and had to go over to check on him numerous times! He didn't quite understand why they couldn't jump together.
Counting is very important when getting ready to jump, especially counting on your fingers! It probably went something like this, "twwwoo, six, eight, GO!"
 There was one inflatable that Koen and John Thomas could go in together, but John Thomas didn't do much waiting around for Koen!
 Koen spent the majority of his time playing basketball and dodge ball with the other kids, so it was really hard to get any pictures of him!  Here he is looking really tired after all that action.

It was definitely worth the one hour and twelve dollars!  I think we will most likely be going back!

Here are a few videos Kris took, you can really see how much fun was had and why all the pictures are blurry.  It was non-stop action!

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