Thursday, July 25, 2013

North Carolina Trip - Fun at the Creek

 We went to visit our family in NC over the Fourth of July like we always do, and of course, day 1 Koen insisted we go to the creek.  He is still fascinated by it, and I can see why!  It is so peaceful and quiet, only an interruption occasionally from the cows.  Something growing up I took for granted, and now I just wish we had the land to go explore on! 
 Normally, Koen spends the first day cleaning the rocks so the water rushes faster, but my parents have had so much rain he didn't need his tools to scrape the rocks.
Allie, Koen and Kris went exploring across the fence on the neighbor's land.
 John Thomas got in on the fun too!  Although this didn't last long!
 He preferred sitting with Papa, he mostly prefers Papa over anything else!

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