Monday, May 14, 2012

John Thomas - THREE months!

John Thomas,

You have blessed our lives for THREE months as of May 2, 2012!

I cannot remember what we did before you came along!  Here are some of the things you have been doing this month:

  • Standing and holding all your weight by just holding our hands
  • "talking" in response to Mama and Daddy 
  • Sitting up in your Mamas and Papas chair and also in your big cousins' feeding chairs!
  • Reaching and grabbing for animals above you while on your play mat
  • Went for your first boat ride
  • Slept through the night for the first time, and unfortunately for Mommy, the ONLY time (April 27, 2012)
  • Slept in your room and special crib for the first time! (April 28, 2012)
  • Laughing, or as we call it, your grunt laugh
  • Went to your first baseball game to watch Koen
  • Attended your first Easter Egg hunt, you weren't impressed :)
  • Spent the first day with your new Nanny, you seemed to like her!

You are still in Size 2 diapers.  You are wearing mostly 0-3 month clothes, and some 3-6 month.  

Your hair is still very blonde, and sometimes appears red!  Your eyes are still blue (please stay this way, it's the only way people know you are mine!)

You probably weigh around 14 lbs, and you're a great eater!  You are still exclusively on breast milk and only get a bottle when I work. 

You are still holding on to your fists, and rarely open your hands!  They always seem to find their way to your mouth, you chew on them all the time!

You still love to have a bath and give the biggest smiles when you are in the water.  

You slept in your crib for the first time and completely kicked your way around to lay the opposite way we laid you down.  You also ALWAYS kick your blankets off!  I was sad to move you to your room, but you seem to really enjoy having extra room to move around.  We didn't realize just how much you move until we watched you from the video monitor!

You love to be held and snuggled, but you are content to lay in your Rock N Play sleeper, too.  Your favorite part of the day is when Daddy gets home, you give him the widest grin with major dimples and don't want him to put you down, even while he eats!

Your schedule is still almost the same: 
Wake up between 6 and 7:30
7:30 eat
8:00-9:30 play while mommy gets ready for work and eats breakfast
9:30-10:30 nap
10:30 eat
11:00-12:30 play, read books, swing
12:30-1:30 nap
1:30 eat
2:00-3:30 ish playtime
4:00-30 ish eat
4:30-6:00 wait for Daddy to get home to play
6:00 - eat
6:30-7:30 sit with us while we prepare and eat dinner
7:30 - bathtime
8:00 - you have started to get fussy again around this time and recently let us know you are ready for your bedtime to be moved up from 9:00! 
8:30 - eat and bedtime

A typical night is you sleeping until 3:00 am or 4:00 am, nursing for about 10 minutes and going back down until 6:30 am.  We are hoping you start stretching out and sleeping longer very soon!

We love you so much, sweet boy!  There is no greater joy than spending time with you!  We are so proud to be your parents!

Love, Mommy and Daddy

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