Thursday, May 30, 2013

Boy of many talents!

Here are a couple of videos from the last few months of John Thomas that I wanted to share.  

The first one is of singing during bath time.  We were watching The Voice as we were cleaning up dinner and giving him a bath and noticed he was singing along with the performers!  Excuse our messy kid and our attempts at getting him to sing :)  My favorite part is watching his facial expressions as he "sings."

The next one is of him pushing Koen around in the dump truck.  He loves to push anything that rolls (and some things that do not roll) but we were shocked that he could actually push all of Koen's weight across the room! It also shows a little of his out of control side, we sometimes call him a maniac :)

I can't imagine how boring our lives would be without this little spot of entertainment in each day! We certainly count our blessings each day!


  1. Ok, the first video is freaking adorable. The second video...kinda scares me ;)
