Friday, September 14, 2012

7 Months!

Our John Thomas turned 7 months old on September 2!  He is constantly learning new things and is a little social butterfly every time we take him out!

John Thomas, 

You are the light of our lives!  We love spending each moment with you and know every second is a blessing from God!  We LOVE you more than words sweet child!

Here are some of the things you have been doing this month:
  • Sitting on your own for as long as you please!
  • Eating all kinds of solids, and loving every minute!
  • Pushing up on all fours and rocking back and forth (crawling is in the near future! eek)
  • You can roll/scoot to get where you want to go, or to pick up toys
  • Talking ALL the time
  • you smile at everyone you meet!
  •  Lainey is your new best friend, although she doesn't have the same affection for you!
  • You with with Mommy on a business trip to NC and enjoyed every minute with Nana and Papa J! You were also stuck on an airplane for 7 hours on the way home, we both learned a lot about patience! 
  • Books are still a favorite, but you love all toys and will sit and play for short periods of time by yourself
  • We started to give you a bath in the sink and you never want to get out, you love your bath toys and would play endlessly in the water if we would let you!

The blonde hair is still there!  We always get asked where the blonde hair comes from and each time we tell people how blonde your Daddy was at your age!  You also have enough hair to style, so we have embraced the faux-hawk!

We think you weigh around 18 or 19 lbs, you are growing like crazy!  Your little rolls are the best!

I had to go buy you new clothes because you quickly outgrew 6-9 month clothes and need 9-12 month now!  For diapers, you are still in a size 3. 

Your favorite foods are: avocado, banana, peaches, pears, broccoli and mangoes, although you like everything we give you!

We started to give you water in a sippy cup, but you can't quite figure it out.  You turn it up and usually end up soaking wet!

This month you started sleeping on your tummy, we lay you on your back but you work your way over onto your tummy and all around your crib.  Most of the time you make your way to a corner and push your head into the bumper pad.  It doesn't matter how many times we move you, you always work your way back!  You are also able to find your lovie and paci, such a relief for us!

Your schedule is almost the same, except some days you cut out your mid day nap and late afternoon feeding:
Wake up between 6 and 7:30, you usually eat as soon as you get up!
7:30 oatmeal and fruit
  8:00-9:00 playtime in mommy's office
9:00-10:30 nap
10:30 eat
11:00-12:30 play, read books, swing
12:30-1:30 nap
1:30 eat
2:00-4:30 ish playtime
4:30 - depending on what time your last bottle was you eat or if it was later sometimes you skip this bottle
4:30-6:00 wait for Daddy to get home to play
6:00 - nurse and eat solids, usually lots of vegetables and a fruit, after you eat we immediately give you a bath, there is not another option!
7:00-8:00 books, playtime, walks outside
8:15-8:30 - nurse and bed

You are still sleeping through the night and we are loving all our extra rest!

We are thankful for a happy, healthy baby boy!  It is hard to imagine what life was like before you!  
Love, Mommy and Daddy

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