Friday, June 15, 2012

4 Months!

John Thomas,

You are a quarter of a year old and still blessing our lives each and every day with your bright eyes and dimples!

Here are some of the things you have been doing this month:

  • Almost sitting up on your own,  you can sit for a short bit in your "tripod" position
  • You screech loudly in response to talking!
  • Went swimming for the first time and loved it!  The water was very chilly and you never made a peep!
  • You have started playing with toys and love your football that Daddy bought you!
  • Figured out that if you scratch your fingernails on different textures they make funny noises!  You are mesmerized by them!
  • Can find your paci and put it back in when you want it.

You moved up to size 3 diapers.  You are now wearing all 3-6 month clothes!

Your hair is getting longer and is still very blonde! I don't think you have lost any, you just seem to be getting more! You still have the bluest, brightest eyes! That makes Mommy happy!
You went for your 4 month checkup and you weigh 15 lbs and are 24.5" tall.  You had shots and did great, only cried for a few seconds. 

You love to chew on anything that you can get to your mouth! You love to be read to and will watch each page as we read!

You are doing great in your crib, but still not sleeping through the night! We hope every night that you will, but so far, no luck!
You love holding on to your blankets and you silk them against your face when you are tired!  I love watching you clutch your monkey when it's nap time! You always want both when you are tired.

You love your brother so much and will watch him while he does pretty much anything!  You also love Karson, and get lots of snuggles when she comes to visit!
Your schedule is still almost the same: 
Wake up between 6 and 7:30
7:30 eat
  8:00-9:00 play while mommy gets ready for work and eats breakfast
9:00-10:30 nap
10:30 eat
11:00-12:30 play, read books, swing
12:30-1:30 nap
1:30 eat
2:00-3:30 ish playtime
4:00-30 ish eat
4:30-6:00 wait for Daddy to get home to play
6:00 - eat
6:30-7:30 sit with us while we prepare and eat dinner
7:30 - bathtime
8:00 - you have started to get fussy again around this time and recently let us know you are ready for your bedtime to be moved up from 9:00! 
8:30 - eat and bedtime

Nights have become somewhat unpredictable this month, we aren't sure if you are starting to teeth or are having a major growth spurt!  Sometimes you will sleep until 3:30 or 4:00am, and sometimes you are up between 1:00 am and 2:30 am!  We just never know and hope to get you figured out soon!  Lots of people tell me you will sleep eventually ;)

We love you very, very much and cannot kiss you or snuggle you enough! The changes and things you learn each day amaze us and we can't wait to watch you learn more and more! Thank you for each day you make so special!

Love, Mommy and Daddy

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