Thursday, February 13, 2014

Miss Ruby Caroline Goggans' Debut!

The night before my induction, my parents graciously offered to watch the kiddos so Kris and I could spend one last date night.  We were gone all of 45 minutes, and everyone commented on how quickly we returned!  We wanted to spend some time with the kids before all our lives made the new, and welcome change of a newborn baby! 

Last preggo pics with everyone!

 We got up at 4:30 on the 27th to get to the hospital by 5:30 am, Kris gave me a hard time because we were late and he told me I wouldn't be late to anything but our daughter's birth!  We checked in and I was able to change and get my IV, which wasn't terrible, but I wanted to know when I would be able to get it out! We had an awesome nurse named Amber who was super helpful and knowledgeable and kept giving us little things to do to move things along faster!  At 7:30 am, I was 4 cm dilated and 80% thinned out.  My doctor ordered that they start pitocin and by 10:00 am I had dilated to a 5, still 80% thinned out.  My nurse had me rotating from side to side every 30 minutes to keep Ruby moving down!
 The board said Thursday, but it was actually Friday, I didn't have the heart to tell her she had the wrong day :)
 I made candy bags for the nurses, just like I did when John Thomas was born and the nurse who helped deliver him came in and remembered us!  I am sure it was the candy!
 We took the signs my running girls made us, and had so many people comment on how great they were!
 At 11:15 am my doctor came by (on her day OFF!) and broke my water.  After that, things moved pretty quickly.  I dilated to a 6, and Dr. Potter told us we would have a baby around 2:00 pm! 
 My contractions were getting stronger, but nothing unbearable.  Amber asked if I was ready for my epidural and I told her I would wait a little longer, she informed me quickly that if I didn't get it now, I may not get one!  So, I agreed, and they brought in the anesthesiologist and around 11:35 am I got the epidural!  After we got the epidural we decided it was time to call our families and let them know she would be here soon!  They started arriving and we had several visitors before she was born.  I felt great the whole time!
By 12:45 pm, I had dilated to 7 cm and was 100% thinned out, and then at 1:50pm, I was completely dilated and effaced and it was time to start pushing!  The hospital was so busy, I only had my doctor and two nurses, along with Kris in the delivery room.  It was so different from everything about John Thomas' birth.  At 2:11 pm, after 8 pushes total, Ruby Caroline was born, weighing 8lbs and 4oz, and 19.5" long! Everything went perfectly and I had a smooth, painless delivery!  They immediately placed her on my chest and we were in love from the moment we laid eyes on her.

 She looked identical to John Thomas, with darker hair!
 Our first family photo!
 Proud, proud, Daddy!
 After spending some time together and letting her nurse, our families started to come in and meet her!

 She nursed so perfectly and eased my mind knowing that would be one hurdle we may not have this time!
 My parents brought John Thomas and Koen to meet her later that evening and John Thomas immediately wanted to hold her, but only for a few seconds.  After that, he wanted to explore my room, only to push the emergency button on the wall and every nurse in labor and delivery came running to our room!

 We were blessed with many visitors and had a great first night!  Nana brought everyone back to the hospital the next morning to see us again! 

 We asked to be released on Saturday, and 24 hours after delivery, we were able to go home!  She passed all the necessary tests - no jaundice and her blood sugar was stable for 24 hours! We left the hospital at 3:20 pm, and brought our newest blessing home!
 We received beautiful flowers in the hospital!  The red roses are actually, "Ruby" roses, sent by my friend, Lisa and her family!

We are so blessed to have had a healthy pregnancy and delivery!  We serve an amazing God, who blesses us far beyond what we deserve! Our family has grown by a new baby girl, and we cannot wait to see what He has in store for her life.

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