Thursday, March 1, 2012

John Thomas is here!

Finally after 9 months of praying and waiting to meet our sweet baby boy, he made his way into our this world on February 2, 2012 at 9:59 am. Weighing 8 lbs 5 oz and 20.5 inches long we were instantly in love! 

Our journey began on my due date, Wednesday, February 1st as Kris and I made or way to my doctors appointment. Neither of us thinking this would be the day! Our appointment was in the morning and we had both joked about leaving and heading straight to the hospital. After going through the usual routine we waited in the examination room for our doctor, Dr. Behnia, who we love! She began checking me and informed me that I was dilated to a 3 or a 4 and 80 percent effaced! She then said looks like you will have a baby tonight! I immediately assumed she would induce that night and she informed us that we would have a natural labor because she had just accidentally broken my water. I started panicking and asked if she thought my parents would make it and she assured me that she thought they would and asked me to get dressed and call my parents and she would let the hospital know we would be there soon. Kris and I both sat in disbelief and went into overdrive making flight arrangements for my parents. I asked him to call them because I was afraid I would lose it over the phone. We left the office and the next hour was spent letting family and friends know that John Thomas would join us soon. After gathering our things at home we took one last picture of the two of us and my HUGE belly and headed to the hospital.  

Our last picture of just the two of us!
40 weeks pregnant
We arrived at the hospital and got settled into our room at around 10:30 am.  After filling out all the necessary paperwork my nurse administered my IV.  This was the part I had dreaded the worst the whole time.  I do not like needles and the thought of one being inserted into my hand for any amount of time makes me nauseous!  
Around lunchtime our family and friends started to assemble in the lobby of the hospital, there were 21 people total!  We could only have 2 people outside of Kris and I in my room at a time, so they rotated in and out all day. 
At 4:30, I still had not progressed very much so the Dr approved for me to walk around to see if I could make things start moving!  She also ordered me a full meal to give me strength to push later that night.  I was finally able to go out to the lobby to visit with everyone for a couple of hours.  It was such a blessing 
to walk out into the lobby to see so many family members and friends who were waiting for our bundle to arrive!! 
Walking around the lobby where friends and family had completely rearranged all the furniture!
Kris and I
Lots of support as I walked around the lobby!
At 5:15 pm my parents landed in Dallas!  Kevin picked them up and they got to the hospital at 6:40 pm.  

Finally!  So relieved they made it in time!
So happy to see my dad!
and my mom!
The Whole Group

By this time I had eaten my meal and the doctor said it was time to go back to the room for some rest.  Everyone, with the exception of my mom and dad, left to grab something to eat.  My parents and Kris and I went to my room to visit for a little while. At 8:30 pm, I was only dilated to 4 cm, so the Dr ordered the pitocin to be started.  An hour and a half later I had only dilated to 5 cm so the Dr gave me some medicine to sleep and told me there would be no baby tonight, she would check on me through out the night and see me the next  morning.  We were disappointed, but knew that rest would be good for everyone.  Kris sent everyone home and we settled in for the night.  My IV was really getting the best of me, and making it hard to sleep.  Luckily, I had a super nurse who agreed to move it from my hand to my arm - MUCH BETTER!

At 12:00 am I woke up with major back pain (til this point I had very very little pain and still had not felt any contractions)  Kris rubbed my back and called the nurse for my epidural.  The epidural was not bad at all and within minutes I had relief.  I was still not fully dilated, only to a 7, but the nurse assured us it shouldn't be long.  From that point on, neither of us slept very well, thinking we could be ready to push any minute.  By 2:20 am, the nurse checked  on me again, I was at an 8 and 90% effaced.  

At 6:30 am, I was starting to feel discomfort and felt movement in my feet and legs.  After asking the nurse, she informed me it was normal and they wanted some feeling to help with pushing.  Shortly after, I was in unbearable pain and the nurses discovered (with Kris' strong suggestion that they check my epidural pump) that my epidural was no longer working at all.  For the next hour and a half I was in the worst pain I have ever experienced.  Finally, they called the anesthesiologist and he was able to get it working again.  Relief again!  

By 7:30 am, my Dr came by to check on me and told me she would be back when it was time to push.  Only an hour and 15 minutes later, at 8:45 am, I was fully dilated and it was time to push.  A little over an hour of pushing, with the help of Kris, who was amazing and so encouraging the whole time and our wonderful Dr and nurses we welcomed our sweet blessing at 9:59 am! 

John Thomas Goggans - very first photo!

*most of the photos pictured above were taken by my talented SIL, Mandy ~ thank you again for capturing these priceless moments! 

Part 2 to come!

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