Tuesday, March 18, 2014

John Thomas' Second Birthday Party!

We celebrated John Thomas' second birthday last month with family and friends.  Per his request, we had a robot theme! It was a challenge planning a party with a newborn, but with the help of Papa John's and my wonderful husband, we were able to pull it off!
I was so happy with how his sweet cake turned out and from the moment he saw it he wanted to eat it! Our boy loves cake!

 Some of the food and party decorations!

 His annual birthday wall that I cannot make myself take down again!  These are all pictures from the past year that I will treasure forever! 
 I ordered this chalkboard print with different favorites and stats from his second year.
 Karson helped entertain Miss Ruby!

 Pizza happens to be another favorite!

 After we sang Happy Birthday, he broke into applause! 

 After everyone had left he enjoyed some of his gifts!

John Thomas, 
Everywhere you go you light up the room.  Your smile is contagious and we love your bubbly, outgoing personality.  You are not afraid of anything and have such a zeal for life.  We are proud of you every single day and love you more than words! You'll always be our baby boy, no matter how BIG you get!  We love you!! 
Mama and Daddy


  1. I love the robot cake! I was debating between robot or monster theme...yours is the best and cutest robot theme birthday!!!

    Did you make or order the cake?

    1. Thank you!! I ordered the cake, she did a great job! All the other details we made ourselves!
