Monday, April 8, 2013

Outside Fun!

Texas weather is so crazy that sometimes in March it is warm enough for shorts, T-shirts and lots of outside fun!  A few weeks ago, we took advantage of the warm weather and spent a lot of time outside. 
Granna and Pappy got a water and sand table for John Thomas and he LOVES it!! Every day it is warm we go out to play, and even on days when it isn't so warm, he stands at the backdoor and points to it! 

This day, our good friend's and neighbors, the Alexanders brought over an addition - Goldfish!  So we put them in and John Thomas had a great time chasing them around the water.  Needless to say, they didn't last very long, but he enjoyed the short time they lasted!

I love his determination and the way he studies every little thing!  He is turning into a boy before our eyes!

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