We have a TWO month old! Here are some things he has been up to this month:
- Still rolling over (tummy to back)
- Smiling ALL the time
- "Talking" sometimes his voice surprises him!
- Eating every 3 hours during the day and sometimes going 6 hours at night
- Wearing 0-3 month clothes
- Moved up to Size 2 diapers
- Still loves to focus on lights and fans
- Loves to watch brother play basketball
- Fussy time at night is mostly over! YAY!
- Still loves bathtime
- Had his first airplane trip to NC
- Met LOTS of family and friends on our trip
- Stayed in the nursery at church for the first time
Wake up between 6 and 7:30
7:30 eat
8:00-9:30 play while mommy gets ready and eats breakfast
9:30-10:30 nap
10:30 eat
11:00-12:30 play, read books, swing
12:30-1:30 nap
1:30 eat
2:00-3:30 ish playtime, errands
4:30 eat
5:00-6:30 or 7:00 play with Daddy when he gets home (as soon as Kris walks in the door John Thomas MUST be held by him or else! He cries anytime he knows Kris is around and not paying him attention. Can you say spoiled??)
6:30 or 7:00 eat
7:00-8:00 playtime
8:00 bath, lotion, pjs, and bedtime story
8:45-9:00 eat and bedtime
I am still almost exclusively nursing, although we did try to start doing a bottle of breastmilk his last feeding of the night, thinking he may take more and sleep longer. There has been no evidence that he actually sleeps longer so as of this post we are going back to nursing at that feeding!
At his two month appointment the doctor said he was right on track for everything he is supposed to be accomplishing! He did okay with his 2 month shots, he was fussy most of the day afterwards and didn't nurse very well. Part of it could have been the terrible tornadoes Dallas Fort Worth had that day and the amount of time we both spent in the floor of our pantry! Thank you to everyone who prayed for our safety! We thankfully had no damage, but areas around us were not so fortunate!
Two Month Stats from the Doctor:
Height - 22 inches
Weight - 12 lbs 1.5 oz
John Thomas,
Each day you continue to bring us such happiness! There is no feeling in the world like walking over to you and seeing you smile all over, with all 3 dimples! We love you more than you could ever know!
Mommy and Daddy
I can't believe it's already been 2 months! Can't wait for our turn! :)